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Our Services

SEQ Essential provide a range of  Health and Safety, Environmental and Quality Management (HSEQ) consulting services, that can be tailored to assist businesses both small and large. Our services include:


  • Development of Management Systems for WHS, Environment and Quality.

  • Management system reviews and integration (IMS). 

  • Assistance with obtaining or maintaining certifications and accreditations (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, OFSC).

  • Inspections of workplaces to provide a written report outlining WHS risks. 

  • Audits.

  • Development of Crisis Management Plans.

  • Training (e.g. WHS, Due Diligence for Officers, Emergency Management, Crisis Management, Environmental Awareness and Management System Training.

  • Accident and Incident Investigations.

  • General consulting and advice relating to HSEQ.

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